
Workshopping Sharing

Eight members of Molecular Biophysics Stockholm helped host an international workshop on Sharing Data from Molecular Simulations, 25–27 November on Lidingö in the Stockholm archipelago. Researchers from 13 institutions in 8 countries sought to explore and improve the dissemination of data and code related to molecular simulations and related methods in computational biology/chemistry. Major topics included:

  • Standardization of file formats
  • Tools for trajectory sharing
  • Streamlining molecular simulations data
  • Reproducibility of molecular simulations

Lucie Delemotte and Reba Howard co-organized the workshop with Matthieu Chavent (IPBS), Daniel Smith (MolSSI), and Mikael Trellet (Utrecht), with sponsorship from Rossen Apostolov at BioExcel. Among the participants were session chair Mark Abraham and invited speaker Erik Lindahl.

Although this exploratory workshop was limited in scale, organizers sought to maximize transparency by live-tweeting the proceedings (#SDMS18) and making videos of all talks and roundtable discussions, as well as original presentation slides, available for download via BioExcel.

A follow-up event, organized by MolSSI, is planned for 2019 in the USA.