Panagiotis Apostolakis

Master’s Student
Department of Applied Physics
KTH Royal Institute of Technology


Projects: Membrane Protein Modeling – Modulation of Membrane Proteins by Small Molecules

Panagiotis grew up in Larissa, Greece and did his Bachelor studies in Physics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Afterwards, he worked as a Physics teacher for the period 2011-2016.
He then decided to resume his education by pursuing the KTH master’s “Engineering Physics” programme. At the beginning of February 2018, he joined Delemotte group and began his master thesis which is focused on a computational approach of the modulation of voltage gated potassium channels by resin acid derivatives. Panagiotis is an avid music fan. He also enjoys reading and running.


  • Bachelor of Science in Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2010)