Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Applied Physics
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Projects: Membrane-Protein Modeling
Lea was born in Novo mesto, a small historical town in the in southeastern part of Slovenia. She has a background in electrical engineering. She obtained a PhD degree from University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) under the supervision of Damijan Miklavčič and co-supervision of Mounir Tarek (from Université de Lorraine, France). During her PhD, she mainly focused on modeling the interactions of pulsed electric fields with biological cells, specifically membrane electroporation, both on the cellular level and the molecular level of the lipid bilayer. She then continued to work in the field of electroporation under the supervision of Pouyan Boukany at the Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) by theoretically studying electroporation in the proximity of nanoscale geometries such as nanochannels. In 2018 she joined the groups of Lucie Delemotte and Ilaria Testa at the Science for Life Laboratory. In her project she will combine the insights from super-resolution microscopy and theoretical modeling to investigate the molecular mechanisms of signaling in neurons.
- BSc Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (2012)
- PhD Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (2016)
- Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Biocybernetics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (2012-2016)
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Product and Process Engineering group, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands (2016-2018)
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Delemotte group and Testa group, KTH and SciLifeLab, Sweden (2018- present)
- Prešeren Award for students (Faculty of El. Engineering, University of Ljubljana) (2011)
- Grant for Junior Researchers (Slovenian Research Agency) (2012)
- Golden Nahtigal Award for Young Researchers (Slovenia) (2013)
- IFMBE Young Investigator Competition Award, Second Prize (2014)
- Grant for Short Term Scientific Mission (COST action TD1104) (2015)
- Krka Award for doctoral dissertation (Slovenia) (2016)
- Vodovnik Prize for doctoral dissertation (Faculty of El. Engineering, University of Ljubljana) (2017)
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